General terms and conditions


General terms and conditions

Who we are

OneLifeMyLife offers personalized services delivered by a team of four experts. Our holistic approach covers interventions in medicine, emotional health, physical activity, nutrition, breath and rest & recovery. Personalized contact methods include telephone, personal conversations, email and app. To provide our services effectively, we may collect and process personal data, including medical history, physical activities, diet, vital data and other relevant information. The contracting parties periodically agree on the services to be provided by OneLifeMyLife GmbH. OneLifeMyLife GmbH undertake to deliver these services personally. Additionally, this contract may involve medical or therapeutic services. OneLifeMyLife GmbH reserve the right to recommend the involvement of other experts, such as physiotherapists, as necessary. OneLifeMyLife does not provide any assurances or guarantees regarding the success of our programs. Any liability on the part of OneLifeMyLife – for whatever legal reason – is excluded to the extent permitted by law.

Services and compensation

Services of the client: Truthful and complete information about personal state of health, physical activities, diet, relaxation and rest habits & professional activity and work facilities.

OneLifeMyLife provides personalized services tailored to meet the unique needs of each client. Our services commence immediately following receipt of authorized payment. The prices for our services are individually agreed upon based on the specific requirements of each client. We reserve the right to adjust prices at our discretion.
In the event that an appointment is not canceled or postponed in good time, i.e. 24 hours in advance, OneLifeMyLife GmbH is entitled to the corresponding compensation. The client shall adhere to the recommendations of OneLifeMyLife GmbH.

Limitation of Liability

OneLifeMyLife is liable to the client for the faithful and careful execution of the services. OneLifeMyLife does not guarantee that the client will achieve the goals he/she is aiming for through the programms.

Data processing

OneLifeMyLife commits to treat data received confidentially and not to disclose it to third parties. The client has the option to delete his/her account and all data at any time.
Upon request, OneLifeMyLife may provide integrated third parties with anonymized evaluations of the data. Release from the duty of confidentiality is only possible with the written consent of the client.

Cancellation policy for OneLifeMyLife retreat

We understand that circumstances may arise that require you to cancel your attendance at our retreat. To ensure transparency and fairness, we have established the following cancellation policy:

Cancellation by participant:

1. Cancellation 60 days or more before the retreat: If you cancel 60 days or more before the start of the retreat, we can refund 50% of the total retreat cost.

2. Cancellation less than 60 days before the retreat: If you cancel less than 60 days before the start of the retreat, there won’t be a refund.

The refund percentages are based on the total cost of the retreat, excluding any additional services booked.

Cancellations must be submitted in writing via email to with the subject line “OneLifeMyLife Retreat Cancellation.”

The date of the cancellation will be determined by the date the written notice is received. No refunds can be provided for cancellations made after the retreat has started. We recommend that all participants consider obtaining travel insurance to cover unforeseen circumstances that may affect their ability to attend the retreat. While we understand that unexpected situations can arise, please note that we are unable to provide refunds or discounts for late arrivals, early departures, flight cancellations, travel delays or illness.

Cancellation by organizer:
In the event that there are an insufficient number of participants to conduct the retreat week, we reserve the right to cancel the retreat up to 8 weeks in advance of the scheduled start date. In such cases, all participants will be notified promptly and a full reimbursement of all costs paid to us will be provided.

Participants will be notified via email of any cancellation due to insufficient enrollment no later than 8 weeks prior to the scheduled start date of the retreat. Upon cancellation of the retreat due to insufficient participants, refunds will be processed within 30 days of the cancellation notification. Refunds will be issued using the same method of payment used for the original transaction.

Participant responsibilities:
Participants are responsible for any non-refundable expenses incurred in relation to the retreat, such as travel arrangements (e.g. flights) or accommodations not provided by the organizer.

Additionally, if circumstances beyond our control affect our ability to deliver the promised services, we appreciate your understanding that we cannot be held responsible for such occurrences.

Thank you for your understanding. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us

Amendments to the GTC

OneLifeMyLife reserves the right to amend these GTC at any time. If you do not agree with the GTC, please do not use the site.

Jurisdiction agreement, applicable law, miscellaneous
Should individual provisions of this agreement be or become invalid in whole or in part, this shall not affect the validity of the remainder of the agreement. Rather, the invalid provision shall be replaced by a provision that comes closest to the purpose pursued by the contracting parties in terms of supplementary interpretation of the contract. In the event of loopholes in the contract, the same procedure shall apply. The contractual relationship between OneLifeMyLife and the client, including the GTC, shall be governed exclusively by Swiss law. Amendments to the contract shall also be made in writing.