Become the CEO of your health.

medicine, emotional health, physical activity, nutrition, breath, recovery

Our Solution



Our unique holistic approach recognizes that no domain – medicine, emotional health, physical activity, nutrition, breath and rest & recovery – exists in isolation. Thus, we address them simultaneously.

We identify what has to be done to get where you want. With our professional knowledge in the domains of medicine, emotional health, physical activity, nutrition, breath and rest & recovery.

The greatest quality of life embraces an intact body and mind. Longevity – a life worth prolonging is only meaningful, if you know your why.

Prioritizing the process for joy and meaning in the journey, not just the outcome. Enjoy physical activitiy in good health. Paired with thriving relationships and pursuing your passion!


Diagnostics and consultations performed by our medical doctor. Covering classical medicine, naturopathic treatments, functional anatomy, metabolic function, cardiavascular health, body composition and blood testing. If necessary, exogenous molecules are considered.

Our holistic approach prioritizes individualized care tailored to your needs. With a strong emphasis on prevention and personal responsibility.

Physical activity

Tailored daily exercise structure including aerobic endurance and efficiency, strength and stability. Set up and overlooked by our former professional athletes. Utilizing scientific testing to ensure the effectiveness.

Whether aiming for athletic performance, pursuing a specific sports-related goal or striving for an extended healthy lifespan.

Emotional Health

Achieving goals by understanding your inner driver, emotions and motivation and staying focused to reach your goal. Cultivating emotional health through the knowledge of neuroscience mindfulness practice.

Through personal coaching based on science, you will understand the impact of stress, emotions and motivation and learn how to manage them to achieve your personal goals in an efficient and healthy way.


Guidance for healthy meal choices that respect your body’s specific needs. We avoid specific dietary ideologies, opting instead for a wide range of sustainable approaches.

Scientifically rigorous, highly personalized and driven by feedback and data rather than rigid categorizations. If necessary, supplementation is supported by our medical doctor.


Breathing is one of the most natural methods of treating a variety of health issues. Re-learn the ability to breathe correctly and adjust the way you inhale and exhale.

Incorporating breathwork practice into your daily routine will change your life for the better by improving both physical and emotional health.

Rest & Recovery

Relaxing is not resources wasted, but rather an investment in wellbeing. Enhance your downtime as it is crucial for your physiological and mental repair processes.

Learn to rest, not to quit. By listening to your body’s inner mechanisms and maintaining a consistent sleep-wake cycle.


The initial assessment is conducted by our team of experts, renowned for their expertise in medicine, physical and emotional health. Through a holistic evaluation and discussion, we ensure a comprehensive understanding of your story, unique needs, challenges and goals.

Leaving no aspect unchecked, our assessment aids in defining your starting point, identifying gaps and measuring your progress throughout our journey together.


Our personalized interventions and sustained support navigate you towards enhanced well-being by mastering sustainable routines tailored to your needs and goals.

What sets our approach apart is our recognition that none of the domains – medicine, emotional health, physical activity, nutrition, breath and rest & recovery – exist in isolation. Therefore, we address them simultaneously


Team of trust

Mathias Hecht

Dr. med. Christian Hoppe

Nicole Hecht

Kurt Holenweger